Community Update – Umbrella Armory .EU
Community Update

Community Update

Community Update

We know that many of you have been waiting for years now, to get your hands on our rifles in Europe and join the Umbrella United team. Until today we have never committed to fulfilling orders in Europe due to our core value to always deliver a seamless and completely integrated experience to all our customers. Having perfected our technology, production systems, and supply chain over the last years, we finally feel ready to welcome the first wave of new customers from Europe. 

Since founding Umbrella Armory in 2015 we have wanted to bring our products to Europe but waited until the perfect time has come. Today, we have a wide range of completely upgraded rifles, our very own OCAW gun line and many drop-in upgrade options which you now also get to enjoy in Europe. The best of all is that we are setting up a headquarter in Europe, which means that you get to experience the same level of service and care for all your purchases.

Most important for you:
We want to make working with Umbrella Armory as easy as possible and therefore take care of all shipping and customs matters for you. You do not have to pay extra for shipping, customs fees or taxes when purchasing from

  1. Prices include taxes
  2. Prices include door-to-door shipping

We bring together the community with our team of Umbrella United, just like we do in California, and look forward to seeing playstyles develop with those new opportunities. All our sponsored and resident players will be invited to come and visit us in Europe and give all of you the opportunity to meet your favorite players in person.

Personal anecdote:
To me, this is a huge step forward since I am born and raised in Berlin Germany, and hoped to be able to bring Umbrella to all my local friends since the very first day. I hope you share our enthusiasm for this next step on the Umbrella Armory roadmap and invite you all to reach out to us personally, in case you want to learn more. 

We are looking forward to getting to know you all and hope that this new addition to Umbrella Armory's services has been just what you were waiting for. 


Julius M. Gontschar
COO & Co-Founder
Umbrella Armory